Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My son

My son is my life. I swear you never truly get the meaning of I would do ANYTHING for you until you have a child. Watching them grow from love in your belly to learning how to crawl, walk and talk. It is amazing! My son is a loving, energetic, crazy ball of fire. He makes me smile more than any other person has ever been able to. It usually starts with the simple things a huge and a kiss and then goes on to a straight up funny personality. Today he smelt a little stinky so I asked him if he was poopy. He promptly replied NO!  He proceeded by pointing to me while saying a little jibber jabber with an expression of you are the one who is smelly mommy. It turned out that he truly was poopy but how funny for him to already be shifting the blame of stink. He cracks me up! I should have named him pepper for he spices up my life ^_~.


  1. Yay!! You finally got a blogspot!!! I love it ;-)

  2. Ok so I only know how to add you as a friend if you are fallowing me. So fallow me and i will add you!
